By Kuala Lumpur|
Q. You got better every day out here. Was that just getting used to the course? What was the biggest difference, every day playing better?
A. SCOTT PIERCY: You know, I hit the ball terrible on Thursday, probably a little bit of jet lag. Got a few unlucky breaks on Thursday, which I didn’t swing it well at all on Thursday, and basically tried to figure out the whole day what was going on. I figured something out and had to‑‑ early on Friday I had good thoughts going, but I had a few‑‑ it was kind of like trusting it, trusting the move.
As the week went on, I got better and got more confident in it, and I started to make a couple little putts here and there.
Yesterday I shot 7‑under, and it was‑‑ today it could have been four or five better without even thinking about it really, and the same thing with yesterday. A little bit getting comfortable with the course, swinging it better, ball going where I’m looking a little bit. I think I hit all 18 greens today. It was just a progress. I’ve never been overseas before and trying to deal with how my body feels, and I feel like it’s afternoon; it’s 5:00 in the morning. I think it’s a combination of jet lag, swinging bad, found a swing thought, got some rest, trusted the swing thought, and from there it was go.
Q. Kind of takes a few days to feel like a person once you get over here. Did you find yourself waking up at 2:00 in the morning some days or did you sleep okay?
A. SCOTT PIERCY: I’ve been pretty good. It’s just I’ll wake up in the morning and I’ll be up for a couple hours, and it’ll be 8:00 in the morning but I feel like it’s 5:00, so I feel like I should be tired. But as far as rest, I’ve been going to bed at like 5:00 at night. It’s a whole new experience for me. I’m glad I’m here, and I look forward to coming back.
Q. Good testament, though, to working hard and not just mailing it in after 75 to start. You got yourself back into it today; that has to feel pretty good.
A. SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, I obviously probably won’t win the golf tournament, but you never want to come over here and finish last. Not anywhere do you want to do that.I know it’s been close, and just trying to figure it out. I finally got a feel that matches what should be real, and it showed the last two and a half days.